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5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch out For 2023

To advancements made in the fields of science and technology has been reflected in the world of marketing too where advertisers, business owners, brand managers and marketing directors play many a role in setting tune with the incessant changes of the digital marketing landscape. Since the world has experienced a drastic shift of interest from TV to online, it can be quite rightly said that digital and analytical marketing are quite the trends prevailing in the scene now.

Brands too cannot sustain without incessant efforts brought on immeasurable and mass marketing strategies. That is why; the world has been embracing the new form of marketing i.e. the digital marketing so that it perfectly shapes the business processes of 2023 and in the coming years too. Let us go through the trends that 2023 might be experiencing to get a clear picture of the ways digital marketing has been influencing the companies and their marketing scenarios.


Email marketing actually works wonders because of the touch of personalization it reaches to the target audience. And undoubtedly, today's customers highly prefer customization. Customers feel their search or wants have been quenched when they have a two way communication as this makes them feel unique. This is the key to win prospective customers as email marketing is attached with the features of being bearable and effective. Also, companies have been selecting the path of segmenting their database on the basis of the audience profiles and interests to help them send relevant marketing messages through comprehensive digital marketing training programs to the marketers.

The new GDPR consumer protection ordinance has made email marketing quite stringent by leading to strict filtration's and permissions. The year 2023 will have innumerable companies sending qualitative emails to their target audience through an automation process. This can be made possible through CRM software's that will gradually be embraced by many companies. Therefore, to sum up, the benefits of email marketing and automation include:

  • Reduction of manual and time consuming marketing effort
  • Less scope for error because of the usage of fool proof workflows and logical commands
  • Increase the efficiency of marketing professionals so that they can clearly focus on strategic decisions and creative tasks


SEO is quite a competitive marketing strategy with a difficulty attached to it called differentiation. It becomes difficult to make a brand stand out when all companies are indulging in similar SEO patterns and also using similar Title Tags. That is why the SEO that is embedded with content power, is customer focused and educates its customers through a buyer's journey is what every digital marketer needs.

One may be wondering what is Topic Clusters and Pillar Content? Well, these are content marketing exercise that has SEO at its core. This approach has been helping SEO transform into topic clusters where the focus is on a topic rather than on individual keywords. This approach also covers all the keywords of a particular topic and includes links to individual articles that are more detailed. This interconnected network of blogs are connected to a larger unit that takes the search engine understand that the pillar content is the main authority.


Do you know that there are around 8.5 billion searches performed on Google everyday and almost one-third of this is made using voice commands? Research has revealed that by 2023, 50% of all online searches will be voice based. That is why a website needs to be voice search based in order to generate a maximum number of leads. Such a feature is becoming quite popular especially among millennial through smart phones, Alexa and Siri. The voice commands work quite efficiently in meeting any online demand of customers. Now, how will this affect the marketers to reach their target audience?

  • Voice search disrupts SEO and online searches for which UI optimization and heading tags are to be closely considered.
  • SEO experts need to closely monitor on displaying rich snippets as Google has most of its Home results coming form these.
  • The length of voice searches is longer than typical searches for which optimizing a website for the long tail keywords needs close consideration during a search transaction.


According to the online survey made by Forrest's Global State of Artificial Intelligence, 57% businesses use AI to improve customer experience and support and 44% use AI to make improvements in their existing products and services. In fact, from customer segmentation to product recommendations, re-targeting and eCommerce- AI has been paving a path of new trends for marketers and brands. AI is believed in becoming an increasingly powerful market application because of a combination of machine learning algorithms and data science embedded into it. Also, companies are making their customizable marketing efforts around leads so as to convert them in the most efficient manner for delivering optimum results.


Companies that have millennial as their main target audiences are working in a close knitted manner with influencers in a non-disruptive manner. People trust these influencers on social media as they choose to follow them. The product recommended by these influencers brings forth audiences who listen and enact according to the advice delivered. This is the power of influence marketing. This tool is considered quite a good means of marketing over mass marketing as the audience is still not familiar with the brand.

Final Thoughts 

So, you use this trend for marketing and we will hope this will help you to grow in your business and for more help you will contact us we are happy to help you, and if you are think WHY WE, than answer is we are the best digital marketing agency and we provide top level marketing services in Kanpur.  


We make technology work for you, so you stay connected to your team and your customer.

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