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The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Website using wordpress

Have you ever wanted to create a website but don’t know how? Or perhaps you deemed it’s too hard to create one? Building a website used to be pretty difficult in the past. But today, a person starting a website need not know programming or new design. There are several options available on the internet which makes starting a website extremely simple.

Would you believe if I tell, with basic knowledge computer, a person can create a website in less than 60 minutes?

Today, we are going to help you with creating a website with eight simple steps.

But before getting into steps, let’s understand why you need to start a website. You are expected to know the purpose for which you are creating the website, as thousands of website are already out there.

You can code your website from scratch. But as a beginner, it will cost you more time and money and your result will barely remain mediocre at its best. We the best web development company in Kanpur can help you build an attractive website as per your need.

Eight simple steps to create a Website:

Step #1: Figure out the type of website you need.

Step #2: Choosing the best Website building platform.

Step #3: Select a domain name and reliable hosting provider.

Step #4: Set up your website with word press.

Step #5: Configure your website and make it look excellent.

Step #6: Add more features to build up your website.

Step #7: Promote your website and make money with your website.

Step #8: Prepare a checklist and test your website

With no technical knowledge let’s start to build a website step by step.

1. Figure out the type of website you need:

Before you create a website it is important to figure out how your website should look like and what sort of functionality your website is required to perform. Among several types of websites, let’s list down a few popular ones.

  • E-commerce site: E-commerce sites (online stores) helps you to showcase your products and services and serves people to order products directly from your website. You would have probably visited several big online stores like Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, etc. These type of website should be user-friendly to the customer and should have a simple ordering process. If you aim to sell products then create an E-Commerce site.
  • Blogs: Blogs can be a separate set of a website or one can add blogs as an added feature of any other kind of website. Generally, blogs are posted in a reverse chronological order i.e. newest blogs first. Blog’s aren’t just sharing your day to day activities, rather you can make money by attaching ads and affiliates links.
  • Forums: Forum websites are online discussion sites, where people can discuss various topics in the form of text messages. Topics are well organised so that interested people can join the thread and discuss their ideas. Example: One of the most popular forum site today, Quora.
  • Portfolio sites: It’s a mere one-page site like business card sites, besides you can showcase your work and let people connect with you. Design firms, Photography sites commonly use these kinds of websites.
  • Membership sites: In this type of websites only members can log in to their account and access the website.

2: Choosing the best Website building platform:

With thousands of web builders open today, it can be challenging to pick the best platform for building your website. This decision is very crucial because one cannot shift their website from one platform to another. Our website design company in Kanpur can help you with any decision-making process with respect to building a perfect website.

Amongst many website service providers, we would recommend WordPress.org (don’t get confused with WordPress.com). Word Press is the best choice for building a website with which you can build a one-page business card or even an E-Commerce website. Let’s understand why Word Press is the best website builder platform.

  • WordPress is free to use. The cost incurred while purchasing a domain name and web hosting is also the most affordable here.
  • If you have any query or stuck anywhere in-between, there are lots of blogs, articles and discussions to help you out.
  • WordPress offers thousands of free themes and also gives access to thousands of plugins without any extra cost. User can create a fully customized website in no time.

3: Select a domain name and reliable hosting provider:

Around 30% of the websites on the internet today are powered by WordPress. The best part is that you need not be an expert to use WordPress. To start a website in WordPress you need to create a domain name and a web hosting provider.

What is Domain name: Domain name is your Website’s address (URL) like Google.com, MI.com, etc. Create a relevant and attractive domain name because it is what people search in their browsers to reach your website (Example: yourbusinessname.com).

What is Web Hosting: Web hosting account is where your files are being stored in a physical server. It is crucial to choose the best host provider because to a large extent speed and performance of your website depends upon your web hosting provider.

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting providers in the world which powers over 2 Million websites worldwide. They provide special offers for WordPress users like 30-day Money-Back guarantee, a free domain name for first-year and a free SSL Certificate.

4: Set up your website with word press:

Just visit Bluehost’s website and click the 'Get Started' button to begin. As Bluehost installs WordPress by default, you need not go through a separate WordPress installation process.

On the next page, you need to choose your plan. After choosing your plan, you need to select an existing domain that you own or create a new one for free. Next, you need to register by entering your basic details. Once you are done, enter your payment details and make a payment. Now create a password for the account created.

When you enter into your new account you have an option to choose your website theme to make it look more suitable. After choosing your theme, you will be asked for the name and tagline of your website. That’s it you can start working immediately.

There are two ends in WordPress. Namely, front end and back end. The front end is what your visitors will see in their computer and the back end is where one can manage their site (dashboard). Many of the task performed in the back end will be visible in the front end like themes, content published, plug-ins, etc. Task performed by the visitors will also be visible at the back end to the admin.

5: Configure your website and make it look excellent:

Do you know that visitors will decide whether to stay on your site or not in just 2 or 3 seconds? So it's very important to hold an excellent website design. You can get the help of our web design service in Kanpur to draft a perfect design. Before designing your website, pen down the features that your website wanted to have.

There are certain key things that you need to focus on like, WordPress is installed to correct time zone, the website is visible to Google (which allows your website to get ranked in the search engine), configuring comments and discussion section, social media integration, branding, search bar, search engine optimisation, etc.

6: Add more features to build up your website:

With several Plugins available in WordPress, you can add any essential feature at any time. Some of the popular plugins are adding a contact form, tracking visitors using Google Analytics, SEO plugins (to rank higher in the search engine), etc.

7: Promote your website and Make money with your website:

Augmenting good-looking blogs to your website can be the most solid way to attract visitors to your site. Make sure you use popular keywords that your target audience apply for searching.

Likewise, encourage readers to share your blogs on social media platforms to drive traffic. Devising an email list will retain your visitors to be familiar with the brand.

It’s time to convert your efforts to money. Give way for blank spaces on your site to ad’s and generate income.

8: Prepare a checklist and test your website:

Before you launch your website, you need to check whether everything looks perfect. The following checklist can help you to make sure that you don’t omit any step.

  • Make sure you have all important pages like home page, about the website page, contact page, etc.
  • If any page is yet to be completed, excite the audience with coming soon page.
  • Check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Test whether all links lead to the correct page.
  • Check whether your site works mobile-friendly.
  • Try to visit the site using a different browser and check its compatibility.
  • Make sure the site is secured.

Congratulations! Your website is ready to launch. Last but not least, keep improving your website as there is no end to Perfection.


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