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Top 10 Trends of the Mobile App Market in 2022

The mobile app market is constantly evolving, just like the majority of other tech sectors. Trends in mobile app development are directly influenced by elements like user demand and technology development. 

Keeping up with the most recent trends and statistics is, arguably, the most important requirement for success in the mobile app sector.

We have yet to witness the pinnacle of the mobile app market, despite smartphones becoming more and more indispensable as each day goes by. 

The newest trends in the mobile app market for 2022 are examined in this article.


  • Integrating Mobile Apps With The Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Foldable Smartphone Apps
  • 5G Technology
  • Mobile Apps For Wearable Devices
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Mobile Commerce
  • 'On-Demand' Apps
  • Mobile Wallets
  • Beacon Technology

Integrating Mobile Apps With The Internet of Things (IoT)

Although the Internet of Things is not a new idea, the growing use of mobile devices across a variety of industries has opened up countless prospects for this technology. 

An internet-connected device network known as the Internet of Things (IoT) offers its customers automatic control and convenience.

A good example of IoT integration in mobile app development is smart home technologies. Users of smart technology can connect household products, such as refrigerators, to mobile apps and change the thermostat in their homes from a distance.

Foldable Smartphone Apps

From flip phones to touchscreens without buttons, mobile phones have seen a significant transformation. Foldable Devices have become more common over the past few years. 

Examples of foldable technology in 2019 include the Motorola Razr, Huawei Mate X, and Samsung Galaxy Fold.

In an ideal world, foldable gadgets would be able to adjust their screen size to match user preferences. Users can, for instance, fold their smartphones to watch films on noticeably larger screens while on phone calls.

App development for these devices is therefore required. The ultimate goal is to develop apps that adapt to the screen automatically, whether folded or unfolded.

5G Technology

Mobile app design and development will be influenced by the introduction of 5G technology. According to a mobile application development company in kanpur, up to 15 times more 5G connections are anticipated in 2022 compared to 2020. 

Users of 5G should anticipate more speed and efficiency, with over ten times less latency and 100 times more throughput, depending on their individual mobile network operators.

This significant advancement in mobile app development has the effect of enhancing mobile app functionality as 5G adoption rises. 

Mobile app users will benefit from quicker download and upload rates, and developers will keep developing new features to fully utilise the promise of 5G technology.

Mobile Apps For Wearable Devices

Although they have not yet made a breakthrough, wearable technology has been popular for a while. There are numerous fitness bands, trackers, and smartwatches available. Wearable technology has yet to reach its full potential, though.

Wearable device-specific mobile app development can help realise their potential. More developers will create mobile apps with wearable technology in mind in 2022. Users can download tens of thousands of applications right from their wrists.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The mobile app market has long been impacted by AI and machine intelligence. However, in terms of the potential of these cutting-edge technologies, we have just begun to scratch the surface.

Virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri immediately come to mind when AI is mentioned. But AI can be used for much more than this. 

Developers, for instance, can incorporate AI technology and its advantages into their applications using Core ML3, Apple's most recent iOS machine-learning framework.

Augmented Reality (AR)

We only recently understood the value and entertainment of augmented reality. More applications are emerging to use augmented reality elements. For example, Pokémon Go might be seen as the invention of augmented reality in mobile gaming.

Apps are already beginning to use augmented reality for more useful purposes, such as the L'Oreal virtual makeup app, which enables users to preview how their faces might look with makeup.

Mobile Commerce

A list of app trends for 2022 would be incomplete without mentioning mobile commerce. More people are using the revenue-boosting possibilities of mobile apps. This tendency affects everyone, from major shops to small businesses and independent content producers.

Everyone is aware of the possibilities for financial gain in this area. For instance, mobile e-commerce functionality is frequently emphasised by mobile app resellers as a key feature during client meetings.

Every other day, companies release new apps to increase their revenues.

'On-Demand' Apps

Since Uber and Airbnb appear to be successful, on-demand smartphone apps will be very important in 2022. By the end of this year, customers are predicted to spend $57.6 billion on on-demand services.

On-demand doctors, food delivery services, virtual tutors and coaches, maintenance services, and house cleaning are a few examples of how apps aid the on-demand business.

Mobile Wallets

The way individuals utilise mobile devices changes as well as technology. In 2022, mobile wallets with names like Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay are popular. 

In 2023, more apps will include wallet integration as a common feature for transaction processing, even though the rate of mobile wallet penetration in mobile apps still has potential for growth.

Beacon Technology

Beacon technology has been adopted by several sectors, including hospitality, healthcare, and retail. It is impossible to ignore the functionality that beacon technology adds to almost all mobile apps.

Beacons have advanced significantly since their initial incorporation into mobile apps in 2013, with a 59.8% compound annual growth rate. 

Proximity marketing is the key advantage of including beacon technology in mobile apps. Retailers can monitor customer behavior in their stores, for instance, the precise aisles where customers spend the most time, by utilising beacons.

Final Thoughts

New models of technology hit the market every year as a result of ongoing technological development. There is a tonne of brand-new chances for app developers thanks to these market changes in mobile technology.

For the mobile app development industry to remain competitive, keeping up with trends is essential. Wearables, the Internet of Things, and 5G technology will all continue to gain popularity in 2023. 

As your partner in mobile app development, the top android app development company in kanpur can assist you in realising your vision and making sure your app performs at its peak.


We make technology work for you, so you stay connected to your team and your customer.

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